Wednesday 26 February 2020

Chandail Rose Questions
1. When is Pink shirt day?
2. Where did Pink shirt day come from?
3. Explain what happened.
4. Fill in the blanks
1 in ___ kids are bullied by another kid. 
25% of kids in grades ___, ____ and ___ is a victim of bullying.
5. Where does bullying happen (as mentioned in the article)? How often?
6. What are the 4 types of bullying?
7. Fill in the blank: We all need to ________ and ________ a difference.

Answers under the cut

1. last wednesday in february
2. high school in Nova Scotia, Canada
3. A grade 9 boy wore a pink shirt to school, got made fun of (threatened to be beat up). Two grade 12 boys heard about what happened and bought a couple dozen pink shirts to hand out to their friends. Word got around and the next day, hundreds of students were wearing pink.
4. 1 in 10, grades 4/5/6
5. playground (every 7 mins), classroom (every 25 mins)
6. social, verbal, physical, online (cyber)
7. talk (parler), make/do (faire)