Friday 28 February 2020

We finished the movie today! (Day 1)
Day 2 we will finish the movie on Monday.

Kahoot: Petit Nicolas

Activity 2 of Petit Nicolas worksheet
Practicing conjugating the verb aimer = to like. If you did not complete it in class today
it is for homework. Come and see me if you need help forming the sentences!
Remember to use WordReference and not Google Translate when finding


Devoirs Duolingo 10XP

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Chandail Rose Questions
1. When is Pink shirt day?
2. Where did Pink shirt day come from?
3. Explain what happened.
4. Fill in the blanks
1 in ___ kids are bullied by another kid. 
25% of kids in grades ___, ____ and ___ is a victim of bullying.
5. Where does bullying happen (as mentioned in the article)? How often?
6. What are the 4 types of bullying?
7. Fill in the blank: We all need to ________ and ________ a difference.

Answers under the cut

Friday 14 February 2020

We did "speed dating" today (pour la Saint-Valentin)

You were each given a character, and you asked and answered these questions!

Je m'appelle...
J'habite à... (city)
Je suis + profession (I am + profession)
Je n'aime pas... 
(Autres questions? = other questions?)

Bon weekend!

Devoirs: Duolingo 10XP

Monday 10 February 2020

You should now be able to easily..
- describe yourself and others (physical and personality)
- communicate your likes and dislikes
- talk about music
- talk about sports/instruments/activities
- have a basic conversation
- know an increasing number of vocabulary words!
- use reading strategies to figure out a text

Our next unit is all about travelling.
We are starting by watching this French film

Don't forget to complete your Duolingo homework! 
10XP every day (not just days we have French).

Monday 3 February 2020

Montre et Raconte

"Montre et Raconte" presentations will be happening
February 6 + 7 

You will have a listening test the following class 
February 10 + 11 

Please see me if you need any extra help with this!
Reminder: You can use QUIZLET to help you practice your pronunciation.

What makes a good presentation?
- eye contact (not staring at your sheet the whole time)
- confidence (you should have practiced it many times!)
- expression!!!
- loud and clear
- pronunciation
- trying to do the French "r"
- pronouncing all words as if they are French
- flow 
- speed (not too fast/slow)
- all required elements