Wednesday 11 December 2019

Answers to pg 2 of the jouer/faire worksheet under the cut

Test next class!
Day 2: Friday
Day 1: Monday

Find the errors (answers under the cut)

"Jeu de la moustache" jouer/faire game sentences

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Métal - verre - plastique
Carton - papier - that’s it

Flow Chart (Jouer/Faire)

*Kahoot Jouer à/Jouer de/Faire de

*Jouer / Faire presentation


Practice! (Flashcards)

Monday 18 November 2019

Answers to the practice test under the cut!

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Number song 

Flash cards to practice conversation + time!

Assessment on time + days of the week
next class! 
Day 1: Friday (18th)
Day 2: Monday (21st)

Please make sure you are doing your Duolingo homework every school day.
Come and see me if you need help adding yourself to the class. 

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Listening test next class! 
(Based on vocabulary we've been practicing for music) 

Wednesday 18 September 2019

French 8 Day 1: (Classroom code: P Q U Z B Q )

French 8 Day 2: (Classroom code: X E Y M W F )

On mobile: Go to your settings (profile) find where it says "Progress Sharing" and enter the Classroom code. When entering the classroom code, don't put any spaces!

To do
1. Sign up for Duolingo
2. Download the app on your phone/device
3. Enrol in the class: French 8
Enrolling in the class is how I will be able to check your progress

I would like you to set your daily goal at 10XP (Casual). Duolingo is homework Monday to Friday, and will help inform your final grade. Languages are all about practice, so I should see a commitment to completing 10XP everyday and your continued progress through the levels. (This means that you cannot just complete "Basics 1" everyday for homework.)  If you miss a day during the week, you can make it up on Saturday. I will not be looking at any Duolingo done on Sunday (but if you would like to keep up your 'streak' and make your green owl friend happy, you should continue!) Fun tip: Try the "chat" feature, where you text in French with a Duolingo bot!

Find the research about Duolingo's benefits HERE


Can I just do 50XP on Saturday instead of doing Duolingo everyday?
No. The idea is to practice your French skills everyday! If you miss a day during the week, make it up on Saturday!

What if I just do an extra 10XP the following day?
If you miss Monday, wait until Saturday to make up your missed day. The goal is to have you practice your language skills on a daily basis.

Can I do more than 10XP a day?
I recommend 10XP-20XP  a day because it is a manageable amount. Although Duolingo is like a game, it is not like a typical video game where you need to beat all of the levels all at once. Do not sit down and try to 'beat the game.' Languages are all about practice, doing a little each day will be more beneficial for your language acquisition in the long run.

I don't have a phone, do I still have to do Duolingo?
Duolingo is both web-based and on mobile! You can do Duolingo on a desktop computer as well as on your phone. (The web version actually has more grammar tips and information on it! Lucky you!)

How much of my mark is it worth?
It is worth 5%.
E.g. if you are between a B and an A, I will bump you up if you have consistently been doing Duolingo. I have also found that those who do Duolingo, just do better in the course itself. It practises all of the language elements (Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening) and supplements vocabulary learned in class. This counts as homework, although you are welcome to complete it in class.


Completely optional: Want to work on your reading or listening? That's great! I want to give you another language learning tool to play around with if that describes you. has a lot of stories that you read and listen to (you can highlight the text to see what words mean.) Click here to see how it works.

Monday 16 September 2019

Today you worked on your banners and practiced speaking!
You will present them next class (please come prepared.)
When FreshGrade is up and running we will post them.

Quizlet can help you with pronunciation
- You can make a free account, it will help with your 
other classes too! Highly recommended.
Remember, the recommended online dictionary is
we learned about "articles" (used with nouns)
le = m
la = f
les = pl

e.g. cat in the dictionary would look like chat (nm)
le chat 

if I wanted to say "cats" I would say
les chats (and add 's' to the end)

We also learned how to say "my"
le -> mon
la -> ma
les -> mes

to say "my cat" I would say: mon chat

To say "a/an" we use a less specific article
un = m
une = f
des = pl

Friday 13 September 2019

La musique!

J'adore (I love)
J'aime (I like)
J'apprécie (I appreciate)
Je déteste (I hate)

(note: Je = I, J' is used when the next word starts with a vowel. 
You can't have Je aime so it's changed to J'aime)

la chanson (the song)
les paroles (the lyrics)
la vidéo (the video)
le rythme (the beat)
la chanteuse (female singer)
le chanteur (male singer)

Pardon?? (Pardon me? - didn't hear)
Intéressant (interesting)
Génial (literally means genius- used to say 'great')
Moi aussi (me too)

Thursday 5 September 2019

Kahoot game (away? do this at home- see what you remember from last year!)

Reflection (self + Kahoot) : click here (day 1)

Reflection (self + Kahoot) : click here (day 2)

This to get to know you a little bit and 
it gives you a chance to reflect on the Kahoot we did! 
Please only include your first name and last initial.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Please check the website on a regular basis to keep up with anything you may have missed, homework, Quizlet sets, French music we've listened to in class, etc. 
What to do if you are away for any length of time (vacation, school trip, or illness)  
Homework is always an extension of work done in class- If you are away for one day, check the website for what you missed. It is also a good idea to get the name and contact information of one or two classmates. 
If you are away for a longer period of time, do a bit of French everyday! That means Duolingo*, Quizlet, listen to some French music, and if you have the opportunity, speak French to those that you meet!  
*Duolingo even has an offline mode, ideal for traveling. Read about it here.
In my experience, giving you piles of worksheets while you are away is not beneficial. It is best to do the following: inform me of your trip, check the website, and see me when you get back. This way, I can provide clarifications, and get you caught up on what you missed.

Classroom rules/expectations

Seating plan: Upon entering the classroom you will get a playing card from Mme Barron's desk. Find the matching pair and sit in that exact seat. Please come and talk to Mme B if there is an issue with this (i.e. if you need to sit near the front every class.) The idea is to have you work with different people every class- this means sometimes you will get to sit with your friends, and other times not! Similar to when you get a job- you do not get to pick your co-workers. When the bell rings Mme Barron will come around to pick up the cards. Please put them in a pile (merci!) They will be used all year to call on students to hear answers, give opinions, do special jobs etc. PLEASE DO NOT DAMAGE THE CARDS. They are going to be used September -> June!! 
 Core Competencies: Communication +  Personal and Social Responsibility

Late policy: Come in quietly, check your name off the sheet at Mme Barron's desk. Be aware of how often you are late! When you reach the different highlighted sections, different things happen. 1) call home 2) referral - to talk to the administration about why you are constantly late

Listen up!: To get your attention Mme Barron will raise her hand and do the international symbol of "be quiet". Because not everyone may see this immediately- help out! Tell your group to be quiet.

BE NICE: Learning a language requires making mistakes and asking questions. In order for meaningful learning to take place, we don't want to laugh at or make fun of other people- this is a form of bullying and it will not be tolerated. 

Electronic devices (iPods/tablets/cell phones): Devices are allowed in this class, but they must be used appropriately. If found taking pictures of other people, being on social media, or playing games, you will get your phone taken away for the whole block (the first time), the whole day (every other time). If this becomes a constant issue, you will not be allowed to bring it! Advice: keep your device in your bag or face down on your desk when not in use. Turn notifications off so you are not distracted or tempted to have a quick look at the snap you just got from your friend in Science class. 

Supplies: It is expected that your bring your binder, some paper, something to write with, a highlighter, and device (not required but we do play games and use online tools) 

Assignments: put your name FIRST AND LAST on everything you hand in. Your name twin may be in the other block. Please also include what BLOCK you are in. Mme Barron teaches multiple blocks of the same course. 

Food/Drink: Bring a reusable water bottle to school. SAVE THE EARTH. Water is the only acceptable drink in this class. If you come to class with something else (pop, slurpee etc.) it is expected that you keep it on the desk by the front door and take it when you leave. No messy/smelly food! There have been problems with rodents in the past, so please eat your lunch at lunch time and keep a granola bar in your bag to eat in class as a 'just in case' you get hungry. 

Clean up: Please push your chairs in before you leave class, pick up any garbage around you, stack all chairs at the end of the day. There is a paper recycling bin by the door, and a garbage can by Mme Barron's desk. Please bring all organics and cans/bottles into the school. Let's respect the space and each other! 

Homework: your daily homework is one lesson of Duolingo (to be explained in more detail later this week). If you finish work in class you are allowed to complete it in class (encouraged, even!)

Some additional rules/explanations:
- When you leave the room, leave your electronic device (phone/iPod) on Mme Barron's desk. You will get it back when you return to class (should be no more than 5 minutes)
- No gum! Throw it out on your way into the class
- Headphones: no headphones or airpods! I will be playing French music or meditative music for the class to listen to. A lot of what we do in class is collaborative, and it is rude to have your headphones in (even if you are not listening to something.)